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Hawthorn Berry: A Natural Remedy for Blood Pressure
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Hawthorn Berry: A Natural Remedy for Blood Pressure

So you’ve heard that hawthorn berry is good for your heart health and you want to learn more. We’ve put together some frequently asked questions about taking Hawthorn supplements to lower your blood pressure.

Do Hawthorn Berry supplements help high blood pressure?

Hawthorn Berry supplements have been used for centuries to help lower blood pressure and support heart health. Hawthorn contains plant compounds known as flavonoids that have been shown in studies to help dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. This can potentially help lower high blood pressure.
Woman hands holding hawthorn berry heart shape on a wood forest background

How much Hawthorn supplements should I take a day to lower blood pressure?

Most studies using the dried extract show positive effects on blood pressure with daily doses of one to two grams. The extract is refined to concentrate active compounds called flavonoids, powerful plant chemicals. For maximum benefit, the flavonoids must be absorbed. Capsules containing 160 to 320 milligrams taken twice a day with food have proven results.

Are Hawthorn supplements safe to take if I’m on blood pressure medication?

Hawthorn supplements are generally considered safe when taken in recommended doses. However, they can interact with certain medications, so it’s best to speak with your doctor before taking hawthorn supplements, especially if you’re currently on any heart or blood pressure medications.

How do Hawthorn supplements improve heart health?

Some potential benefits of hawthorn supplements for high blood pressure include:

Dilating blood vessels: The flavonoids in hawthorn can help relax and dilate blood vessels, which allows for increased blood flow and reduced pressure on artery walls. This can help lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.

Improving blood flow: The flavonoids are also thought to have antioxidant effects that help protect nitric oxide, a compound that helps regulate blood flow and pressure throughout the body.
Supporting the heart: Hawthorn supplements may help strengthen contractions of the heart muscle and improve its efficiency. This can reduce the heart’s workload and lower the demands on the cardiovascular system.

How long will it take to lower my blood pressure with Hawthorn supplements?

Allow at least 4 to 6 weeks of use to see benefits. Hawthorn berry supplements need to build up in your system to be effective. Don’t expect immediate results. Full effects may take 3 to 6 months of continuous use to become apparent. Hawthorn berry’s heart-health effects seem to be enhanced with long-term use.

Consider cycling your use. Some herbalists recommend taking breaks from hawthorn berry supplements every few months to maximize benefits. For example, you might take it for 3 months on and 1 month off, or cycle 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. This approach may help prevent tolerance and make the supplements more effective when restarted. However, always talk to your doctor before stopping any prescribed heart medications.

What are the side effects of taking Hawthorn Berry?

Hawthorn berry can cause side effects like dizziness or stomach upset in some people.

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