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Successful Visualisation Techniques
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Successful Visualisation Techniques

woman meditating on a yoga mat, visualization techniques

How can visualisation benefit your life?

Visualisation relies on the concept of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that whatever our mind is focusing on is what we are most likely to attract into our own lives. For example, if you keep replaying negative situations in your mind, and seeing ways that you have been let down by others rather than focusing on positive things, then you are more likely than not going to attract more of the same negative energy into your life.

Negativity can easily cause us to spiral downward and get stuck in a rut, and that rut can easily lead us to feel discouraged and unworthy of positive changes in our lives. However, if we are focusing on the positive, and valuing it and focusing our energy into attracting more of the same positive energy so that we can thrive, then we are going to be able to experience more positive things than negative and because our minds are focused on a specific goal, our minds will be constantly working on ways that we can achieve that goal and reach our desired income.

A popular notion for those who are learning visualisation techniques is that it is important to train our brains to live as if we are already accomplished in the areas that we want to be accomplished. This will help us to have more confidence and to recognise the steps we can take and the opportunities we are presented with to help us to move forward in our lives and to create the ideal situations for us.

The visual board technique

Our brains love pictures. They love images and concepts that are broken down into stories that we can experience an enjoy. There is a reason why human beings have celebrated entertainment since the Ancient Greeks had their coliseums. We want to see exciting things and we celebrate art because they help us to experience and see different points of view without having to experience them for ourselves in person.

One of the secrets to successful visualisation is to have a physical reminder that we can focus our attention on. We work most efficiently if we understand the benefits to our hard work. If we don’t see the end game clearly, we may find ourselves wavering and losing the motivation to move forward. If we don’t see how we are moving forward and constantly feel stuck without really allowing ourselves to believe that there is anything better out there for us that is possible, then ultimately we are preventing ourselves from moving in the direction we need to go.

A great way to begin successful visualisation is to create a vision board. It is important to be able to see what it is we want and what it is we are working for. The best part about vision boards is that they work. If we are able to put pictures and reminders of our goals in an area that we can view it consistently and keep our minds focused on the task at hand, then our minds will help us by doing a whole lot of the work we need it to do without question.

What we focus on is what we attract into our lives, and if we are unfocused then we will only attract more of the same. However, if we focus on making progress and getting ourselves to a better place, then we need to make the effort to achieve those things. A vision board can give us reminders of any goal that we have for ourselves. It could be a visualisation of our goals for health and fitness, for success with business, with staying positive, or with career advancement. Whatever the case may be, a vision board can be created for it.

vision board

So how do you make a vision board, anyway? It’s simple. Look around for pictures that represent the life you want to create for yourself. You can find these images just about anywhere. You can cut them out of magazines or copy them out of books, or you can do a search online and print them out. it can

help to have a bulletin board for these things, but it isn’t required. You could even just create a collage on a piece of paper of poster board. The main thing is to make sure you place it somewhere that you will observe it consistently and on a daily basis. Somewhere that your eye will wander to it and you will be reminded visually of the life you want and the life you want your mind to believe that you are living in the moment.

But don’t just put pictures of your physical goals, like a good body or a nice house. Think about how you want yourself to feel in this better life. Put images that remind you of the emotional peace you want to achieve as well. Determine how you want to feel and encourage your mind to focus on these things. Do you want to feel happy? Calm? Productive? Confident? Seeing these representations of the emotions that you desire will automatically trigger your mind into creating impressions of those feelings. It is up to you whether or not you let yourself experience them, and looking at these desired states of mind will eventually have the desired affect if you believe that you really can and really do feel these things.

A lot of the time, a negative state of mind or emotional state will just make things worse. And no matter where we are or what we are going through, we can try to exercise some control over our emotional states. A vision board can help us to gain the control over our emotions that we need most so that we can live the most comfortable and productive life imaginable.

The purpose of a vision board is to help you to stay motivated. The more motivated you are to make productive decisions, the more productive decisions you are going to make. Think about your goals and then find an image that will help you to stay focused on the work you need to put in to achieve those goals. If you are focused on achieving things rather than sitting around feeling lost and unfocused, then you are guaranteed to make more productive choices in your life. Reminding your brain of what you want and what you need and making your goals clear in a way that helps our brains to process them and focus on what we need to do to accomplish those goals will help you to stay the course. Even if you have some discouragement, you can look to your vision board as a reminder of the good things that are yet to come rather than feeling as if all the work you are doing is going toward nothing.

Having a physical representation of our goals is a great and important way to help us to stay focused. It can be easy to get swept away in our own discouraging thoughts and negative feelings. We never feel the progress we are making in a way that is rewarding in the moment. Rather, we end up not seeing our steps forward at all because we are so immersed in living in the moment. That is why it can be so encouraging to remember why you are working and to celebrate your little victories. A vision board can help us do that!

Manifestation plays a huge role in the process of visualisation. What we focus on is what we allow to manifest in our lives, and creating the life we want can be so much easier if we are allowing our minds to do the work for us.

Of course, there will still be steps that we need to take in creating this perfect life and the attitude that we most need in order to thrive and feel the best in our own lives. We still need to put the work into the goals we want to achieve. Not everything will happen automatically. But we can absolutely help to wire our brains in a way that makes it easier for us to achieve those goals.

Utilising Affirmations to achieve visualisation results

One of the techniques that we can and should use is utilising affirmations. Affirmations are words or phrases that we repeat to ourselves that will help us to focus our minds on a specific desired outcome. For example, if somebody has a tendency to get frustrated with other people, an affirmation they might want to say to themselves every day is something like, “I am a patient person and I don’t respond with anger in situations where it is not required.”

By telling this to your brain, it will begin to believe it and sooner or later, it will help you to become a person who is patient and who doesn’t go off over the little things. Affirmations are powerful tools in anybody’s arsenal, and they can help us to stay focused on our target goals and maintain control over our emotional equilibrium. If we tell ourselves who we are and what we are going to do, then more likely than not, that is who we will be and what we will do. It’s so simple it almost doesn’t seem possible. And yet it works!

Affirmations can also help somebody who isn’t organised to stay organised, or who isn’t focused to stay focused. If you wake up exhausted today but you know that you have a deadline to meet, telling yourself that you are a productive person who can work through the challenges is a great way to force yourself to be that person and to stay focused despite your difficulties. If we believe we can do something, then we are usually able to do it. If we tell ourselves who and what we are, then we are usually able to believe it. And we perform accordingly.

Affirmations are a way to incorporate your goals into your daily life. If you want to achieve great things but you are your own worst enemy, as we all can be, then reciting affirmations on a daily basis can really help to reform your mindset. You can tell yourself what you will accomplish and it will help to motivate you to get that thing accomplished without any excuses. It is a way to stay accountable to yourself and to use your own mind’s power to help you to stay motivated in your favor.

Affirmations have been used for centuries with great success. They can also be called mantras, and are a way for us to train our minds to focus on what is truly important to us so we can live our lives with true intention rather than allowing our moods and behaviors to be impacted by our unstable emotional perception of the world around us and our own lives.

Another useful way to use affirmations is to combat the negativity bias that was mentioned in the previous chapter. The negativity bias certainly needs to be broken. And what better way to interrupt a negative thought or feeling than with an affirmation that you are capable, confident, and important, and that you will achieve your goals? These powerful tools can help to disrupt the destructive thought patterns that sabotage your life and prevent you from living up to your full potential. Don’t turn your back on them; they can be life changing if you allow them to be!

Stating your affirmations are great if you do it silently, but they tend to have more power if they are something that you verbalise. Affirmations can be repeated several times a day if you are able to find yourself in a safe space where you are able to relax and focus on your intentions. You can incorporate them into meditations and you can focus on your affirmation for a few minutes every morning so that you can really give your morning routine a boost.

Mornings are very important because they tend to set the tone for our entire day. If you have a good routine then you are more likely to be able to work successfully toward your goals and maintain a balanced and positive outlook. Including a few minutes every morning for daily affirmations can quickly begin to change your life. You may immediately begin to notice a difference. The more powerful you believe you are, the more powerful you are. If you feel confident and capable, then you are going to act confident and capable. Your decisions will not suffer from indecisiveness and fear, because you will trust your instincts implicitly and you will not be looking to others to make choices for you.

This can be dangerous because we can begin to lose control of the authority we have over our own lives. We have to be able to trust ourselves to make the right choices even if we haven’t succeeded yet. We have to trust ourselves to be able to make positive emotional changes and to master our emotions, even if we haven’t always been able to do that. We have to forgive ourselves for our past mistakes and work hard to move forward and do everything that we need to do in order to succeed and provide ourselves with the lives that we want and deserve.

Positive affirmations are just one step in the right direction, but it is a powerful tool and this type of visualisation can really help to encourage us to be the people we most want to be and to achieve the daily goals that we set for ourselves. When we are accomplishing our goals, we will build more and more confidence in ourselves and in our instincts, and ultimately we will be able to have the lives we always dreamed about!

Have you ever wanted something but you weren’t quite sure how to get there? Or maybe you have secretly thought about something that you want to do and never allowed yourself to consider it a possibility. So instead, maybe you pushed it to the back of your mind and don’t allow yourself to pursue it as a serious option for you. Have you ever thought to yourself about just how discouraging that is for you? Why don’t you let yourself think about what you want?

Writing down your goals for effective visualisation

If you focus on what you want, then it will become a priority for you. It won’t just be a dream that you have shoved into the back of your closet, only to look back on it later with sadness and fondness. If you allow it to take up important space in your mind and focus on it, then it will become a priority. It doesn’t matter if you have to work at something else at the same time as you are working to create the reality that you want most. Everybody has to start somewhere and do things they might not enjoy before they are able to really live the life they idealise for themselves. Don’t be discouraged by these situations; instead, feel grateful that you are able to maintain your life and accumulate the resources you need to start putting toward your goals!

One great way to begin to get yourself on track is to write your goals down. Make them real, and make them important. Write them all out so you have a visual reference for what it is you envision for yourself. Let it be important, and let it be a priority. Don’t be afraid of failing at your goal just because it is more meaningful to you than other things in your life may be. Don’t let that discourage you from trying, or from starting something new. In fact, you have to let yourself fall sometimes. If you don’t do things wrong then you will never learn how to do them right. So many successful people had failure after failure under their belts. Famous and rich authors will proudly show you the stack of rejection letters that they had accumulated over the years. You are not the only one who has ever made a mistake, and you will not be the last. So get over those fears and let yourself picture the best life possible for yourself!

It doesn’t matter how small the goal is. You can write it out and reference it. You can put your list of goals on your vision board. You can find an appropriate picture to represent the goal on your list and

include that on your vision board as well. In fact, you could use your goal list as inspiration for your entire vision board if you wanted to! It is important that we are able to write out the things that we want to do. Sometimes, we may end up being surprised by ourselves and the things that will make us happy. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t explore these things. it just means that we have a new and surprising goal that could eventually really help us feel satisfied in our lives!

When writing out your goals, however, be careful not to fixate on breaking every single goal down into the specific steps that you need to take in order to achieve your goals. While it is very important to be able to know what you need to do to accomplish a goal, and it can be very helpful to map out a path for yourself, visualisation can suffer from all the dry fact and detail that we put into a list. Some people can use lists as a way to try and control things that they can’t usually control. They can provide us with a false sense of control, so that when something on our to do list goes wrong, we crumble and feel it acutely if our perceived solution fails us. Lists can box us in and keep us from seeing other potential in our lives and opportunities that might help us get where we want to be in a faster and more efficient way. We don’t want to be boxed in; we want our minds to be free to attract the things that we need right to us without being told that it’s not doing a good enough job. Overall, the law of attraction can work pretty smoothly. Writing out our goals is one of many ways that we can allow it to bring its bounty into our lives and help us to stay motivated toward achieving the life we want.

Inserting yourself into the picture of the life you want

This technique can kind of be related back to the vision board technique. When we create images of the life that we want, it can be incredibly empowering. Our minds are able to harness the power to help us find resources and other support that can move us forward in our journey faster. It prevents us from feeling discouraged from doing the work it takes to accomplish our goals. It is a mindset change that can really make all the difference between doing something productively and wasting our time.

Ultimately, the idea of including an image of yourself with pictures of the life you want works in many ways. Our minds recognise us, and although it may not recognise the situation you are in as a memory, it will help us to maintain the mindset and the energy that is needed for us to truly begin to believe that we are living the life we want already. Living with this mindset is a sure way to help us to benefit from the law of attraction. When we are focused on the life that we want and we are in the habit of believing that we are already in a position of abundance, then we will simply attract more abundance toward us.

Consider how easy it is to find yourself in debt, with more debt seeming to effortlessly find its way to you. If you are already living in debt and focused on this debt, then it will easily attract more debt to you. But if you believe that you are already living abundantly and you have the resources that you need in order to achieve your goals and live the life that will most benefit you, then you will attract more resources and opportunities to yourself with little effort. That is the law of attraction.

Ultimately, inserting yourself into pictures of the life that you want is a good tool. It helps the mind to think that we are already living in a place of abundance, and it will focus on generating more of that abundance. The energy that we put out into the universe will provide us with more opportunities to gain. Not only that, but there is science to say that when the mind is focused on a specific goal, it will go into a problem-solving mode that will make you aware, consciously and unconsciously, of the steps that you need to take to attract the most opportunities for you to thrive.

It doesn’t just work on an unseen vibrational frequency. That sounds a little hokey, although it does seem to be legitimate regardless. It works on a simple, psychological level. When we are mulling over

a problem or a puzzle, our minds are focused on helping us to figure it out. There are theories that this is why we dream; it is a chance for our brains to try an mull through our problems so that we can find solutions or find emotional or psychological closure in situations that are troubling us. The same can be said of the subconscious mind. We are constantly taking in information around us and our brain stores it all. Even if we aren’t conscious of a possible solution to a problem we are having, when the mind is focused on that problem and detects that it needs to come up with a solution, it will be working on that solution even at times when we are unaware of it.

This is why we get the occasional “aha!” moment. It is our minds finally coming up with a great goal or a plan that will help us to bridge the gap between the situations we are in and our ideal outcomes. And so, when we are focused on the fact that we want to live this certain lifestyle, our brain will be working subconsciously for a way to help us to go in the direction of that lifestyle. It will be constantly trying to figure out how to bridge the gap between the people we are now and our current situations and the lifestyle that we desire for ourselves. And when it comes up with these solutions, it will let us know, whether subconscious or conscious. It will lead us in directions we might never have gone before for reasons we might not fully understand until we finally see that we have aided ourselves in truly achieving the life that we want by following our intuition and letting our minds take the wheel for a while.

A powerful way to encourage our brains to bridge the gaps is to show it images of us in the environment we want most to be in. Whether that is a nice home or a great corner office, superimposing a picture of yourself in that environment will help our brains get the memo that this is what our focus should be and give it the encouragement it needs to help us to consolidate our goals with our reality.

You can do this any number of ways. If you have computer skills, you could use photoshop to put a picture of yourself in your ideal environment. You could also just cut and paste and put a picture of yourself with a picture of the environment you most want to be surrounded with. However you choose to make use of this visualisation technique, the mind will get the message. We have so many resources already at our disposal, but so many of them work below the surface and in mysterious ways that we might not fully understand. Science may be working on it, but the one thing it knows for sure is that the brain is a visual creature and it will help us to solve the problems that we are most focused on.

So work on believing that you are living the life you want and give your brain the clues that it needs to help us along the way! You will be so glad you did.

Visualisation is a technique that has existed in the world for centuries and centuries. It began with the cave paintings, it evolved our ability to communicate through spoken and written word, and it has been helping human beings to achieve their goals for more years than we will ever see in our lifetimes. It has been a powerful tool in aiding healing and improving physical performance, and it has served so many in their ability to perform mentally as well. Time and again it has proven to be a tried and true method of helping us to harness our own power and to live the life we most want.

In conclusion

The power you need to create the life you want is right at your fingertips. Start using visualisation techniques today to see for yourself just how powerful you are and to begin to make the changes that you need to make in your life to become the best version of yourself possible. It is up to you to do the work, but then you can sit back and let your own mind do the rest. Don’t take our word for it though. Try these techniques out and find out for yourself just how much power you have over your own destiny. 

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