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Wellness & Beauty Blog

Omega 3 Benefits and Its Fight Against Disease

omega 3 foods

Omega-3 helps to fight disease Boosting your immunity to combat diseases can be achieved by adding Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. You may have heard of these fatty acids in terms of fish oils and supplements, but it’s possible to add them into your diet through natural food sources too.  What is Omega-3? Omega-3s …

Wellness & Beauty Blog

The Caveman Diet: Why go Paleo?

The Caveman Diet Paleo

Why The Caveman Diet? What’s the difference between that and, say, keto? Or vegan? Or Atkins? The answer is beautiful in its simplicity. The Paleo diet (a.k.a. The Caveman Diet) is unique in that it is not a diet so much as a mentality. It is a new way to look at life and a …

Wellness & Beauty Blog

How to Carb Cycle for Women

Lose weight in 7 days with carb cycling

Are you wondering whether carb cycling could be the key to weight loss? Not all carbs are bad for you. A complex carbohydrate cycling diet is good for quick weight loss and won’t leave you feeling lethargic. What is Carb Cycling? Carb cycling is a way of eating which involves varying the amount of carbohydrates …